Envious of a colleague, who has got beautiful skin? Well she must be pampering it harder than you do! Sun is the main villain that causes major skin problems. People who spend lot of time in sun will experience not only a tanned skin but also precocious aging signs with wrinkling.
Tips that can bail you out of the tanning effects:
1. Avoid prolonged exposure to sun; even better avoid noontime, which has greatest concentration of UV radiation. Plan your outdoor jobs before or after the peak hours (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) between May to October.
2. Apply a protective cream over face, ears, neck, hands and arms during daytime. Apply again during the mid day to the same areas. However, ensure that the cream suits to your skin.
3. Quartz present in sand reflects the sun and even beach umbrella cannot offer protection from penetration of the UV radiation during noontime. Sunrays also penetrate up to 3-feet-deep water and so avoid beaches and pools during the peak hours. If you happen to accidentally experience sun scalding take a cool water dip soon to dampen the effects of sun scalding.
4. Moisture retention is very vital to ward off ageing signs. Drink generous amounts of water and it should replenish the lost water to your skin. Frequent moisturizing also will help your skin to become supple again.
5. Avoid using heavy cosmetic creams and lotions. Also say no to strong deodorants, but definitely use refreshing deodorants tailored for sweaty summer days. There are 101 brands available and go get your one.
Pamper your skin and see how it returns the favor back to you in dividends in the form of healthy skin and an envious complexion.