What causes acne?
Acne develops when the sebaceous glands in a личность’s skin make extra oil (sebum), in response to androgens. This oil combines with cells that line the walls of these glands and clogs the skin pores. Normal skin bacteria colonise the glands and the body’s response to these bacteria causes the inflammation or the redness of the skin that we associate with acne.
One of the key bacteria responsible for the inflammation is Propionibacterium acnes or P.acnes. P.acnes produces natural chemicals called poryphyrins, which are sensitive to light at different wavelengths. If you stimulate these chemicals then they will neutralise the bacteria.
With no bacteria present your inflammation will subside.
Meical scientists have developed a light that can stimulate these chemicals eradicating the bacteria that causes the redness or inflammation of acne. We’ve called it Omnilux Blue.
Your doctor may have spoken to you about this treatment already, but this leaflet is designed to answer some of the questions that you have regarding the treatment.
What is Omnilux Blue?
Omnilux Blue is a light source that is specially tuned to activate natural chemicals found in the bacteria that causes the redness in acne. When stimulated these chemicals destroy the bacteria. The light also stimulates cells in your body that help with the healing process. The light is made up of Light Emitting Diodes or LED’s.
How safe is the treatment?
The light is really safe and harmless to your skin. The light doesn’t generate any heat like a laser. The light works naturally with your body to promote the healing response. You will, however, need to wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the light.
What results can I expect from a series of treatments?
Optimum results will be seen between 4-8 weeks after treatment. The light stimulates natural processes that go on after the treatment has stopped. In studies subjects have seen complete clearance of their lesions, however on average you should expect a 70% clearance of lesions.
Are there any side effects from the treatments?
No. There have been no reported adverse side effects like redness or irritation from the treatment. The light won’t damage your skin and because there is no heat involved there’s no pain.
What actually happens during the treatment and is it painful?
During the treatment you can sit up or lie down. You’ll have to remove any make-up or sunblock before the treatment and you’ll be asked to wear some safety goggles. The light will be positioned close to your face. The treatment lasts 20 minutes. After that you’re free to go home. The treatment course is usually 8 light treatments. Dependent upon your type of acne your doctor may suggest you use a face wash and gel from the Lite-Blue range of products, this will help with the treatment.