Pimples, Pimples and I will say it one more time Pimples,
I had them all threw school starting from 6th grade. Pretty bad huh? Is there a simple way out to helping and curing acne hmm, over night NO!
Why do we continue to live with acne do we need to do we have to? Acne is one of the biggest problems children have going threw school whether there being picked on and made fun of or whether there worrying about a big fat zit coming out the day of prom. I know it was for me at least. I just lived with it and thought that there was no way to get rid of acne, that it would just take its course like my mom always would tell me. So instead of trying to cure my acne I let it continue and keep happening to me cover it up when they were really bad with my sisters make up before she would find out.
Now that I was entering adulthood I knew it was going to be up to me to stand up and just take charge of my life and my skin and I knew that I didn’t want to live with the sore red face I have for so long after product and product I thought it was endless and hopeless but still on the search I found great remedies that work for me and learned they worked for other people as well.
Just the most common acne blemish is the Cystic, Cystic acne can leave more than the standard set of psychological and emotional troubles in its wake. The possibility of scarring because of improperly treating your acne may present you with more problems than mere skin blemishes, is something that needs to be considered. Physical scarring can occur from improperly treating your acne. For example, if you decide to pop a pimple yourself, using your bare hands, you could cause significant scarring. The treatment and physical removal of cystic acne requires sterilized equipment and should really be done by a professional
So lets not acne take over our life’s and keep us inside or away from our friends and family, lets not let it ruin our lives and do something about it. Acne can be treated.