There is good news for those who suffer from acne, there is light at the end of the tunnel at last | Auto


There is good news for those who suffer from acne, there is light at the end of the tunnel at last. People who suffer from acne will be happy to find out that there are several treatment options available for them, regardless of the severity of this skin problem.

The first option most people think about is represented by topical treatments. Lotions and creams that purify the skin may also represent a good solution for acne. Majority of these topical treatments are based on salicylic acid or on lactic acid. Besides that, benzyl peroxide, sulfur and resorcinol are other commonly known active ingredients. However, people must keep in mind that this acne treatment is sufficient only for mild forms of acne. It is a different ball game when we talk of severe forms of acne. What these creams do is to destroy the skin bacteria that make the acne even worse. If it is discovered that the creams have no noticeable effect, the doctors usually proceed to recommending stronger prescription lotions.


Another efficient and effective but sometimes overlooked acne treatment is antibiotics. This is because a sufferer of acne tends to be too familiar with antibiotics. Antibiotics are particularly recommended for mild to severe acne. Antibiotics help acne sufferers get rid of acne by destroying the bacteria underneath the skin and by providing relief for the skin inflammation. Studies have shown that best results are obtained when using topical treatments combined with antibiotics together. In addition, Isotretinoin is a brand of antibiotics that is highly recommended that should be used only by people who have acne scars. Pregnant women should seek the advice of their doctors before they use this drug as it can affect the fetus. Oral contraceptives, laser therapy and cosmetic procedures may also help people to overcome acne and all its attendant complications.


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