You may be one of the lucky ones and never get age spots | Auto

You may be one of the lucky ones and never get age spots. But, the majority of us, as we move through middle age will start noticing these little brown and black spots start to appear.

How to get rid of age spots is to use natural substances proven to whiten skin. The second consideration is be consistent — dabbing a bit of cream on every now and then isn’t going to get the job done. You need to apply the cream at least once a day, preferably twice then you can expect a good result in a reasonably short time.

Melanin is our skin’s protector, yet on the other hand it’s the main culprit causing age spots. Too much being produced in one spot over a long time creates a build up which results in brown or black liver spots developing.

Unless you do something about them, like applying a skin cream to help keep them in check, they are likely to get bigger. They also tend to multiply.

Just a word of warning! Many people confuse age spots with sunspots, which are a more serious issue altogether. Over time these little so-and-so spots can develop into skin cancers, which then become life threatening.

I recently had a pesky one removed from the tip of my nose. They are usually skin colored to light brown and grow outward from the center. My doctor had three attempts to freeze it off with liquid nitrogen over several years, but it kept growing back. Eventually a skin specialist removed it with a severe application of cryotherapy, which did the job. But has left a flat depressed 10 mm white spot on the end of my nose.

That’s the problem with freezing these things off your skin, particularly from your face where people notice the mark. Doctors can use this method to remove age and liver spots but it’s costly and not usually necessary. Try using these natural substances before resorting to this more severe treatment.

Extrapolate nutgrass root extract has been proven in clinical trials to reduce melanin production by more than 40%.

Natural vitamin E has been shown to help in the prevention of age spots occurring. It’s also an antioxidant which helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles and reverse the effects on skin aging.

Shea butter is known to help reduce blemishes and brown spots; it’s an emollient that helps soften the skin.

How to get rid of age spots can be a simple daily procedure using good quality natural skin care substances. If you can get onto them early when they’re still small, they’re easier to fade and remove. Don’t take any chances with any growth on your skin — if in doubt, have it checked by your doctor.

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