What Happens During Pregnancy
We can never deny the fact that cellulite is caused by many factors — especially in how our body functions and our daily habits. Pregnant women are quite prone to this change and there is nothing they can do about it.
The rise and fall of hormone levels contribute much to this condition. Food cravings that are part of pregnancy will produce more fat build-up that our body can handle — which in turn is stored in various areas in the body that leads to the cottage-cheese dimples on our skin that is a sign of this problem.
Keep in mind, however, that you don’t have to end up with this problem during pregnancy. Since invasive surgical method of getting rid of this condition is a big no-no due to the risk involved, not to mention the cost; you might want to implement preventive measures to ensure that you won’t suffer from fat build-up and ruin your appearance after childbirth.
Preventive Measures 101
There are two surefire methods in getting rid cellulite during pregnancy.
1. Monitor Your Diet
What you eat will surely end up in your belly, lower limbs, buttocks, and arms; and pregnant women are known to have uncontrolled eating habits that will surely result to this condition.
One way to prevent this from happening is to monitor your diet during pregnancy. You can ask your medical expert to provide you with a diet plan that coincides with your cravings. Keep tabs on how much you eat everyday and make sure that you only eat enough to keep you, as well as the baby in good shape.
An advice here is to stay away from food that is high in starch and cholesterol — after all, they are not good for you and your baby. Stick with a natural diet composed of fruits and vegetables, and a well-balanced meal plan that consist of foods with nutrients that you need to keep your body in top shape for an easy childbirth — as well as making sure that you are in a normal condition afterwards.
2. Exercise For Pregnant Women
Exercise is very important for pregnant women and is also a preventive measure to avoid fat build-up during the phases of this condition. You can ask your medical expert to come up with an exercise program to sweat out excess fat and burn nutrients to avoid build-up. Also, daily dose of exercise, especially for the lower body can help prepare you for childbirth. So its like hitting two birds with one stone.
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