The largest organ of the human body is the skin. It protects our bodies from the environment, maintains body temperature, excretes waste matter, gives sensory information to the brain and regulates body moisture. We think about our skin more than any other part of our bodies, and we manifest that attention by investing our emotions and about 6 to 20 % of our disposable income into our skin (Lappe, 1996). It is worthy to consider, then, how cosmetic products affect our skin. In this article the psycho-social impact of cosmetics will be examined as well as why cosmetics are deemed necessary.
If you use make-up, read the labels and purchase products labeled non-acnegenic, non-comedogenic, and hypoallergenic. These products are formulated so as not to irritate even the most sensitive skin. Avoid sharing make-up with others, and always use clean washcloths, towels, and make-up sponges or other instruments to avoid transferring germs to your face.
Oatmeal masks have been used for years as a natural facial. Lukewarm cooked oatmeal applied to the face as a mask and left on for 20 minutes twice a day has been shown to clear up acne breakouts in as little as two weeks.
There are two ways you can go about dealing with acne on oily skin. Facial washes and anti acne solutions will often be categorized in the shops between regular formulas, dry skin moisturizers, or oily skin treatments. Obviously, go with the appropriate one. These liquid solutions are often applied daily and help towards acne removal. Aside from liquid solutions, you should also buy antibacterial soaps, especially ones likewise configured for people with oily skin.
Using birth control pills
Dermatologists also acknowledge that the underlying cause of most acne is hormonal, so that no amount of invasive and expensive new acne treatments can be effective without some molecular assistance. Some dermatologists therefore recommend birth control pills to stabilize the levels of estrogen and progesterone in women with acne.
Check your diet. You might not be getting enough of Vitamins A and B, and this leads to dry skin. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains, and try to replace some of your red meat intake with protein-rich alternatives like tofu. Take vitamin supplements and drink enough water (8 glasses a day) to make sure your skin has everything it needs to avoid natural dryness.
Treatments of Eczema – Medicine 2: Blueberries – These work as a laxative. They cleanse the blood and dramatically improve circulation. Blackberries are beneficial to your eyesight and act as an antioxidant.
Vitamin E has been getting a lot of attention lately for the treatment of acne and acne scarring. Vitamin E may be helpful in a faster recovery from acne. Vitamin C in various skin products, and how it helps with wrinkles and fine lines. Massage can also be preventative medicine against conditions that occur later in life, such as osteoporosis and ulcers. Chamomile, a flower in the daisy family.
Take a potent multi-vitamin every day, because acne is a sign that something is wrong on the inside. Vitamin C contains anti-infective properties and Vitamin E speeds up the healing process and helps prevent skin from ageing as well