Skin Care products are an indispensable part of our lives. What we fail to realize about our indulgence in these skin care products is that beneath their “larger than life” claims lie harsh realities. More often than not, these skin care products and cosmetics contain ingredients that are harmful to the skin.
Below, you will find a detailed list of some toxins that can be found in skin care products. The next time that you purchase a skin care product, be sure to read the label carefully.
DEA (Diethanolamine),TEA (Triethanolamine), and MEA (Monoethanolamine)
These harsh solvents disrupt hormones and are found in cosmetics, facial creams, body creams, shampoos, soaps and facial cleansers. They are easily absorbed by the skin and their long-term use has been linked to liver and kidney cancer.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS)
These chemicals are easily absorbed by the body, and they are known to cause severe skin irritation and long-term health problems.
Isopropyl Alcohol
Isopropyl Alcohol is derived from petroleum. This petroleum based ingredient is often used as a solvent in various skin care products. This alcohol is known to trigger skin irritations as well as facilitate the growth of bacteria, moulds and viruses.
Paraben Preservatives
These are commonly found in cosmetics, deodorants, and baby skin care products. They are highly toxic and usage might result in rashes and allergic reactions.
Aluminum A
Aluminum A is a mostly found in antiperspirants. As the name suggests, it contains Aluminum which has been linked with Alzheimer’s disease.
The Issue
The big problem with many chemically made skincare products is that the consumer often has no idea what they are buying. Unless you take the time to read about the various toxins in skincare products, you might not know what you are slathering on your skin.
Companies use most of these toxic ingredients because they are cheap. Thus, cheaper skin care products are usually those that are bad for you as well. Try and steer clear of those products that use the ingredients listed above. When it comes to your skin, be sure and purchase only clean, natural, products that won’t cause any damage.
If you are unsure about a particular ingredient, take the time to contact the manufacturer. Any company that hides the truth behind their skincare ingredients is a company that you don’t want to deal with. While cheaper skin care products might seem like an appealing option, this is almost never a good idea.
Sure, those natural products might cost you more money, but isn’t your skin worth it? Take the time to pay attention to all of those skin care labels. While it might seem like a pain to read about every ingredient that goes into a product, this is the best way to avoid damaging your skin.
What’s the fastest way to age your skin? Use a product that includes the ingredients listed above. Your skin absorbs whatever you put on it, so make sure that you are giving your skin the very best products out there.