Many people complain that standard Western rosacea medicine is not effective. Not only is it claimed to be not effective but also many feel that it does more harm than good. The typical starting protocol is to prescribe a topical (Metrogel) and oral (Tetracycline) antibiotic together. Symptoms such as dryness, burning and increased irritation have been reported with Metrogel. This obviously defeats the purpose, as these are also symptoms of rosacea. Tetracycline on the other hand often causes digestive upset, yeast infections, photosensitivity and discolored teeth. Discolored teeth are permanent.
While the cause of rosacea is still not agreed upon, most do agree that it’s not caused by bacteria. The antibiotics work due to their anti-inflammatory effect. This has caused many doctors and naturopaths to wonder about alternative rosacea medicine to reduce the skin inflammation. Ideally a substance can be found either topically or orally that is not toxic to the body and effective in the treatment of rosacea.
Natural medicine already has alternatives to Western medicine in practice. Emu oil, which comes from the back fat of an Emu, has shown great results for some. Not only is it a potent ant-inflammatory but it has shown dramatic skin rejuvenating properties for burned, irritated, or inflamed skin. It penetrates deep into the skin and mirrors the lipid profile of human skin. The pure oil works best as a rosacea medicine but it can be found in soaps and lotions as well. Other substances such as green tea extract, chrysanthellum indicum cream, niacinamide, licorice, and azelaic acid cream have all shown promising results in studies.
Other, more extreme and expensive rosacea medicine include laser treatments, Accutane, and surgery. Laser treatments can reduce the visibility of blood vessels. Accutaine can be used to lessen severe inflammation and surgery is reserved for cases of Rhinophyma. Rhinophyma is a disfiguring rosacea type condition affecting the nose. While all of these treatments can improve rosacea symptoms, the condition never truly goes away. Lifelong treatment is usually needed.